IUFS in Dushanbe , Tajikistan
Opening of the IHAC Regional Council of
IUFS in Dushanbe , Tajikistan
Regulation No. 15
Ref.№46, from 19.03.2018 г. Dushanbe
Based on the registration of the European department of IUFS (Italy, France, Switzerland and Lithuania), the Academic Council with the support of the United Nations and UNESCO and the presentation of international status with accreditation of the Oxford Education Network and the University of California, I order:
I. Open the IHRA Regional Council with the IUFS in Dushanbe, the Republic of Tajikistan at the State Academy of Arts of Tajikistan, while retaining all the powers of the IHAC (in St. Petersburg)
II. Appoint professors team of the Academic Council with the right to granting IUFS diploma with Oxford Educational Network:
1. Professor Rabiev Olimhon – Chairman of the Academy of Arts of Tajikistan, Grand Doctor of Philosophy in the field of World Art;
2. Professor Abduzhabbarov Abdugaffor – writer, translator, playwright, Grand Doctor of Philosophy in Literature, Academician of the Academy of Arts of Tajikistan;
3. Nazarov Vafo – People’s Artist of Tajikistan, Laureate of the State Prize of Tajikistan, Grand Doctor of Philosophy in World Art;
4. Dahte Zaur – operator, Film director, photo master, Honored Artist of Tajikistan, Grand Doctor of Philosophy in World Culture.
III. Rabiev Olimhon Chairman of the Academy of Arts of Tajikistan, Grand Doctor of Philosophy in the field of world art, is appointed as the chairman of the Regional Academic Council of the IHAC at the Academy of Arts of Tajikistan. He is responsible for carrying out the order.
I reserve the control over the implementation and specification of this order.
President of the IHRA, Rector of the IUFS
Prof. Mahatma Shanti Jayasekera