• Tue. Feb 11th, 2025





Sep 18, 2020


IHAC 29.001General pedagogics, history of pedagogics and formation PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.002Theory and techniques of training and education (on areas and educational levels)PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.003Pedagogical psychologyPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.004Correctional pedagogics (deaf-and-dumb pedagogics, oligophrenapedagogy and logopedics, audiology)PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.005Theory and technique of physical training, sports training, improving and adaptive physical training PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.006Theory, technique professional and imagePhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.007Theory and technique of preschool formation PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.008Theory and methods of common secondary educationPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.009Theory and methods of specialized secondary educationPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.010Tuition of adults, continuous educationPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.011Tuition of gifted and talentedPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.012Tuition of pedagogic employeesPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.013Theory and technique of vocational trainingPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.014Administration of Special Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.015Adult and Continuing Education Administration PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.016Bilingual and Multilingual Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.017Counselor Education and School Counseling and Guidance Services PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.018Early Childhood Education and Teaching PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.019Education and Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.020Education and Teaching of Individuals with Emotional Disturbances PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.021Education and Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.022Education and Teaching of Individuals with Mental Retardation PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.023Education and Teaching of Individuals with Orthopedic and Other Physical Health Impairments PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.024Education and Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.025Education and Teaching of Individuals with Vision Impairments Including Blindness PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.026Education and Teaching of the Gifted and Talented PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.027Educational and Instructional Media Design PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.028Educational Administration and Supervision PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.029Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Research PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.030Educational Assessment, Testing and Measurement PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.031Educational Evaluation and Research PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.032Educational Leadership and Administration PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.033Educational Psychology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.034Educational Statistics and Research Methods PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.035Educational, Instructional and Curriculum Supervision PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.036Elementary Education and Teaching PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.037Elementary and Middle School Administration and Principalship PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.038English and Language Arts Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.039Foreign Language Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.040Higher Education and Higher Education Administration PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.041International and Comparative Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.042Junior High and Intermediate and Middle School Education and Teaching PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.043Kindergarten and Preschool Education and Teaching PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.044Mathematics Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.045Multi- and Interdisciplinary Studies PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.046Multicultural Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.047Music Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.048Basics of Music Theory and Composition PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.049Physical Education Teaching and Coaching PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.050Physics Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.051Psychology Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.052Reading Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.053Science Teacher Education and General Science Teacher EducationPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.054Secondary Education and Teaching PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.055Social Science Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.056Social Studies Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.057Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.058Special Education and Teaching PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.059Student Counseling and Personnel Services PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.060Surveying Technology and Surveying PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.061Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.062Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.063Teacher Education, Multiple Levels PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.064Teaching English as the Second or Foreign Language and ESL Language Instructor PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.065Technical Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.066Technology Teacher Education and Industrial Arts Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.067Trade and Industrial Teacher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.068College Student Counseling and Personnel Services PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.069Education Policy, Leadership and Instructional PracticePhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.070Counseling and Higher Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.071Human Development and Education PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.072Orthodox pedagogicsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 29.073Psycho informatiological pedagogicsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc

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