• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025





Apr 12, 2024



Scientist  and Specialist Training Programme “Neirameta”, based on the author’s methodology of Kaldygul Korganbek, is included in the curriculum of Oxford Educational Network and Inter-University Higher Academic Council.  

Neirameta subject fully accredited under Specialty number IHAC 32.056 at OXFORD EDUCATIONAL 


Based on: Decision of the Oxford Educational Network and Inter-University Higher Academic Council, University Council Paris, No. 45 /7 dated 12.04.2024.

Degrees conferred: Professional Diploma, Bachelor of Neirameta , Master of Neirameta, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of Neirameta  and  Doctor of Neirameta.

Recognized by the Oxford Educational Networks – International University of Fundamental Studies and University Council, Paris on 12 April 2024.

Chairman of Commission OEN

Academic Secretary

Date: 12.04.2024


International Higher Academic Council

International University of Fundamental Studies

Passport of scientific speciality 32.056 “Neirameta”

Passport of scientific speciality 32.056 “Neirameta”

(Section of science – medicine)

Field of science:

Health Sciences (HEALTH SCIENCE).                    

Group of scientific specialities:

Alternative Medicine (Alternative Medicine, Naturopathy, Integrative Medicine)

Name of the branch of science in which degrees are awarded:


Scientific speciality code:

IHAC 32.056 Neirameta

Research areas:

1. Research of deep psychophysiological mechanisms underlying the author’s method of “Neirameta” developed by Kaldygul Korganbek.

2.      Practices of energy regression, meta-meditation, energy process – as components of complex influence for spiritual and cognitive growth, transformation of consciousness into meta-consciousness on the basis of “Neirameta” philosophy

3. study of mutual influence and interpenetration of scientific potential and therapeutic tools of naturopathic medicine and practice of “Neirameta”.

4. Study of the technique of global correction of the whole organism – an energetic practice aimed at influencing and correcting dysfunctions in dense and subtle matter, which also serves as a preventive measure for achieving a stable mental state, harmony and cognitive growth.

5.      Development and improvement of the technique of spinal column correction as an effective method of influencing the central part of the body, important not only for improving physical health, but also for harmonising other areas of life.

6.      Research, development and implementation of self-correction techniques to maintain and improve health, emotional well-being, productivity and sensitivity.

7.      General and particular psychological regularities of changes and recovery of mental activity in various pathological conditions and developmental anomalies.

8.      Analysis and identification of psychological factors influencing the occurrence, course and overcoming of mental and somatic diseases and other persistent states of maladaptation from the point of view of naturopathic medicine.

9.      Identification of significant features of psycho-emotional functioning of an individual under stress or in conditions of everyday life and increase of its adaptation resources.

10.     Identification of regularities of influence of energy-informational factors on health promotion and formation of attitudes to a healthy lifestyle.

11. Technique of energetic regression – practice of deep elaboration of archival information from the moment of “conception” up to the present moment, allowing to live through and correct violations (errors) – mechanical, physical, emotional, mental, and many others

12. Research and improvement of the Metaprocess – maximum energy-action on all elements present in the nature of Man in order to restore and create a unified natural system of interaction between them. The task of the process is to create favourable conditions for human growth and development, as well as to eliminate barriers and blocks in information energy exchange.

The energetic effect of this process is aimed at spiritual and cognitive growth of Man, transformation of consciousness into meta-consciousness, exit from the state of “basement” into the space for action. 

13.     Development, adaptation and study of effectiveness of methods of energy-informational diagnostics, psychotherapy and other psychological interventions in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients.

14.     Studying the specifics of subjective perception of information flows, technologies, interventions and other psychological and subtle medium factors influencing adherence to the author’s methodology of “Neirameta”.

15.     Study of psychological features of the techniques of mindfulness and consciousness expansion in the practice of the specialist “Neirameta”.

16.     Study of psychological factors influencing emotional burnout of naturopathic specialists, development of methods of its prevention and correction.

17.     Study of psychological factors for improving the quality and efficiency of medical activity and organisation of work in naturopathic medicine.

18.     Research and analysis of the directions of development of medical-psychological research in information medicine.

19. Research of the human brain as the main object of study of modern medicine (and information medicine in the first place), which controls all organs and basic processes in the human body and carries out all processes of external communications and interaction in a unified information field.

20.     Creation of technologies, methods, techniques and tools for treatment of the human organism, including the informational component, for further cognition of people in non-local space, covering all factors affecting their health without exception.

21.     Study of clinical, individual and socio-psychological bases of psychotherapy, psychocorrection, principles and methods of psychotherapeutic, psychocorrectional influence, as well as factors influencing the choice, conduct and effectiveness of psychological intervention. 

22.     Study of the mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of psychotherapy in mental disorders and behavioural disorders, risk of mental adaptation disorders and psychological malaise.

Related specialities (within the group of scientific speciality)

1) IHAC 31.126 Naturopathic medicine and naturopathy.

2) IHAC 31.127 Neuroanatomy

3) IHAC 31.128 Neurobiology and Neurophysiology

4) IHAC 31.129 Neuroscience

5) IHAC 23.005 Acmeology

6) IHAC 37.05 6 Transpersonal and Integrative Psychology

7) ICSS 37.05 7 Psycho-energetic transpersonal practices

8) IHAC 37.05 8 Transpersonal psychotherapy. Theory and methodology, methods, tools, psychotechniques and psychotechnologies of transpersonal psychology

9) IHAC 37.059 Western and Eastern breathing practices (pranayama, holotropic, vibration, re-breathing, free breathing)

10) IHAC 37.060 Transpersonal Anthropology

11) MBUS 37.061 Body-oriented practices, thanatotherapy

12) IHAC 37.0 62 Psycho-body transpersonal technologies (Bioenergoplasty (Yoga Dance), Yoga, Oriental martial arts, Slavic martial arts, Gurdjieff movements, etc.).

(13) IHAC 37.065 RIPT – resource-oriented integrative psychotherapy.

(14) IHAC 37.066 Transpersonal research: apparatus, clinical, psychological, etc.; meditation research. Transpersonal approach to dreams: studies of archaic practices, studies of shamanism, studies of places of power

(15) IHAC 37.0 7 2 Psychoinformatics.

Degrees awarded

1) Bachelor of Neirameta (B.Sc.) – ( 3 year programme)

2) Master of Neirameta (Master of Neirameta – M.Sc.) – (2 year programme – after bachelor)

3) Doctor of Neirameta (Doctor of Neirameta DN), Doctor of Philosophy in Neirameta, (PhD).

Chairman  _____

Academic Secretary _____

Date: 15.03.2024

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