The Fifth Anniversary of World Scientific Congress

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
We certiorate You that on November, 27-29, 2013 in St. Petersburg (Russia), under the aegis of the IUFS, IHAC and the International Parliament for Safety and Peace (IPSP) the Fifth Anniversary World Congress “Results and Prospects”, dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of the IUFS, is held.
We kindly ask You to take part in the Congress.
Entrance Qualifications: PhD, Grand PhD, D.Sc.
The Congress will be held in St. Petersburg (Russia), ul. Bolshaya Morskaya, 45.
The beginning is at 10 a.m.
The IUFS Rector, The IHAC President, IPSP Senator
Mahatma Shanti P. Jayasekara
St. Petersburg, 24.06.2013
The Fifth Anniversary World Scientific Congress
International University of Fundamental Studies (IUFS)
Intergovernmental Higher Academic Council (IHAC)
On November, 27-29, 2013 in St. Petersburg (Russia) the Fifth Anniversary World Scientific Congress (WSC) will take place, dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of IUFS.
Congress participants will be acquainted with the most important results of fundamentally new and promising in science and scientifically important activity has been already done by IUFS members and what they are expected to do in the future for the benefit of the humanity and a human, materially and spiritually. All diverse IUFS work has always been based and built on the idea of the interaction of various principles, ultimately, material and spiritual, which defines the goal, the subject, the means and the result of scientific and meaningful activities. IUFS scientists already made a significant and fundamentally important, both theoretically and practically, contribution to the material and spiritual development of a human and the humanity, and all and everybody, living on our planet. IUFS actively and successfully continues and will continue their creative and humanistically orientated functioning on the international scale.
The Congress will be attended by reputable scientists in the world and society figures of the Russian Federation, the Near Abroad (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Estonia) and the Far Abroad (Australia, Austria, England, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Hungary, Gambia, Ghana, Egypt, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Cameroon, China, Korea, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, New Zealand, USA, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri-Lanka, Equatorial Guinea).
At the Congress greeting reports will be heard, messages and speeches, the International diplomas, certificates, special orders, medals, etc. will be awarded.
According to the materials of the Congress a special collection edition in printed and electronic form is assumed.
The 5th WSC will be held on November, 27-29, 2013 to the address of: Russia, St. Petersburg, ul. Bolshaya Morskaya, 45.
The beginning of the Congress is at 10 a.m.
The Organizing Committee of the Fifth WSC, St. Petersburg.
Tel.: (812) 571-48-17, (812) 987-04-37.