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1986–2016              www.ararat-academy.org







United Nations Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 5 September 2016 / Lundi 5 septembre 2016       

Salle XXI

10h30           Welcome address :

                        Sciences, Education and Culture for Justice and Peace

                   • Prof. Agrégé Agop Kerkiacharian, Président du Congrès

                   Président fondateur de l’Académie int. des Sciences Ararat

                   • Prof. Thomas Egli, Président d’Objectif Sciences International,  Coprésident associé du Congrès

                   • Prof. Santhi Jayasekara, Rector ofInternational Higher Academic  Council, Saint Petersbourg, Coprésident associé du Congrès

• Prof. Marc Van Hulle, Chef du Département de Neurosciences de  l’Université Catholique de Louvain, Président de la Commission scientifique

• Prof. Denis Fadda, Président de la Renaissance Française

• Prof. Bartolomé Ribas, Secrétaire Général de l’Académie Royale Nationale   de Pharmacie d’Espagne

•Prof. Zadra Maurizio, Sénateur du Parlement mondial de la Sécurité et de la   Paix, Vice-Président du club d’affaires Miles

                   • Prof Jayantha Sisira kumara Jayasekara Mudiyanselage

                   Message of greetings from Deputy Speaker of Sri Lanka,

                   Hon. Thilanga Sumathipala

• Prof. Bedros Kirkorov,

Université Internationale des Sciences fondamentales, St Petersburg

                   • Dr.SP Singh Oberoi,

                   President of Charitable Trusts Sarbat Da Bhala, India

                   • SAS Marcello Menegatto, Prince de Seborga Professeur d’économie, Dubai

                   accompagné de  SE le Prof. Nina Menegatto,  Seborga.Monaco

                   • Dr. Colette Hartwich-Soreau,

                   Présidente Honoraire de la Fondation humanitaire Vega Luxembourg

                   • Dr. Suha Gyorgy,

                        Deputy Minister in Hungary, Ambassador

                   • Prof. Marcel Valentin, Chef du protocole du Congrès,

                      Vice Recteur de l’Université Internationale  des Sciences fondamentales

                    Lecture des messages reçus

                   • Dr. Ari Topouzkhanian, Secrétaire Général de l’Académie Ararat  Message en arménien

12h30 Fin de la session

Monday 5 September 2016 / Lundi 5 septembre 2016     Salle XXI

14h00           Session on Environment

                        in honour of Acad. Prof. Dr. Raphael Melik-Ohanjanyan

                   (Chairpersons : Thomas Egli and Jan Dobrowolski)

                   • Homage to the memory of Raphael Melik-Ohanjanyan.

                   Prof. Bartolomé Ribas and Dr. Tadashi Goino. Royal National  Academy of Pharmacy. Madrid. Spain.

14h05           • Situation of Citizen Sciences and Participatory Researches through Academic Institutions in the World.

                              Dr. Thomas Egli, President of the NGO  Objectif Sciences International,   Special Representative to the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

14h25           • Laser biotechnology for improvement environment, health and

                   biobased sustainable development.

                   Prof. Jan Dobrowolski, University of Science and Technology,                    

                   Krakow, Poland

14h45           • Global and local mercury pollutions of aquatic environment.

                              Prof Janusz Dominik, Forel Institute of the University of Geneva,  Switzerland

15h05          • Pollution industrielle – données récentes dans le Sud-Caucase.

                   Dr. Nichan Margossian, Ingénieur chimiste honoraire de l’Assurance maladie, France

15h15 • Prof. Etienne Roth (1922-2009), a prominent researcher with mass  spectrometry and isotopes, and codiscoverer of the natural fossil nuclear                     reactors at Oklo (Gabon).

                   Dr. Edgar Soulié, CEA/Saclay, France

15h25           • Aquahorn and water.

                   Dr. Tadashi Goino, Environment Energy Nanotechnical Research Institute, Nagano. Japan

15h40           • Technosphere-Biosphere interactions: ideas to improve a broken balance.

                   Prof. Alexander Startsev, General Director, NWICPC (Privilege Partner of 

                      UNIDO), RUSSIA.

16h00           • Water: problems and solutions (materials of scientific discoveries).

                   Prof. Valery Slesarev, Russia

16h30          Coffee break / Pause café

17h00           Session on Biology and Medicine (Chairperson : Boris Leonov)

                   • Nature, people, health and longevity.

                  Prof. Boris Leonov and Rena Shemanskaya, Russian Academy of    Science,   medical & Technical Science, Moscow, Russia

17h20          • E-congrès ou comment partager l’ information médicale des congrès au plus grand nombre et au moindre coût.

                  Dr Luc Mercadal, France

17h30           • Quality of life and health as a priority indicator of the effectiveness of   medical activities, environmental and social well-being

                   Prof. Vladimir Luchkevich, Russia

17h50           • The international responsibility of the Governments to protect the  environment

                   Dr. Noura Shahsavari, Iran

18h10           Fin de Session

Monday 5 September 2016 / Lundi 5 septembre 2016       Salle XXII

14h00           Session on Peace

                        (Chairperson : Prof. Agop Kerkiacharian,

                   Président de l’Agence Internationale de la Paix)   

                   “A Chart for Ethnic Rights in the  World” (A. Kerkiacharian)

14h05           • The Importance of National Identity.

                   Dr. Marie-Rose Abousefian,

                   Independent Researcher, San Francisco, USA

14h25           • Méthodes et tactiques pour réclamer des compensations pour le Génocide  des Arméniens.

                   Dr. Colette Hartwich-Soreau, Présidente honoraire de la Fondation  humanitaire Vega, GD Luxembourg

14h50           • Perspectives on Peace in Nagorno-Karabagh.

                   Mr Bedo Demirdjian, European Armenian Federation for Justice &    Democracy (EAFJD), Belgium

15h05           • Analyse géopolitique mondiale et perspectives de paix en correspondance   avec l’ONU.

                   Mr. Nichan Samouelian, Collectif Réflexion et Vigilance, France

15h15          • La paix dans le monde : mythe ou réalité

Pasteur Hazoume, Bénin

15h30           • Paix et Réconciliation

Mr. Youssouf Guindo, Mali

15h40           • Croix Rouge et Action humanitaire

                      Maître Emmanuel Stene, France

15h 50          • Corps Sanitaire International et actions humanitaires

                   Dr. Della Posta Alessandro, Italy

                      General(hon);commandant du corps sanitaire Int.

16h00           Coffee break / Pause café

16h30           suite Session on Peace / Paix

                   Chairperson :Dr. Armen Shamamian, U.S.A.)               

                    • The Ethical Imperative of Repair: Addressing the Impact of Genocide

                   toward the Reconstitution of Surviving Victim Groups

                   Prof. Henry Theriault, Armenian Genocide Reparations Study Group,    Worcester State University, USA

16h55           • Legal aspects of the Armenian Genocide.

                   Prof. Ove Bring, Stockholm University and Swedish Defence University, Sweden

17h20           • Considérations juridiques sur les biens arméniens confisqués.

                   Maître Jean-Vasken Alyanakian, France

17h40           Discussions et Résolutions

18h00 Fin de Session

Monday 5 September 2016 / Lundi 5 septembre 2016  Salle XXI

19h30            Programme socio-culturel : chants et danses


                   Sous la présidence d’Honneur de l’artiste peintre Richard Jeranian, 95 ans

élu “Best World Artist of the year 2016

                   • Attribution officielle du PRIX INTERNATIONAL de l’année 2016

                   pour la Science et l’Envionnement à l’Avion Solaire “SOLAR IMPULSE

                   International Prize for Science and Environment

et au/to Dr Bertrand Piccard, Lausanne ( Suisse ) concepteur

avec le soutien de SAS Prince Albert de Monaco

                   et ayant fait le tour du monde par l’utilisation exclusive de l’énergie solaire.

                   Une performance exceptionelle pour l’humanité, à travers les perspectives   écologiques et de recherches scientifiques fondamentales et appliquées

                   • Le programme comprend : Chants/Russian and Armenian Songs                                  interprétés par les artistes :

                   Dr. Kirkorov  Bedros, Professor Charitable Foundation “Heart to Heart”                          People`s Artist of Russia

                   accompagné by Pr. Belostotskaya Maria, Professor Children`s Theatre                         of  Galina Vishnevskaya

                   • Organization :

                   Mr. Belostotskaya Paul and Mrs. Andreeva Anastasia

                   • Interprétation au violon d’oeuvres classiques par l’artiste :

                   Prof. Tigran Maytesian de l’Université catholique de Louvain

                   • Interprétation de jazz au saxophone par l’artiste musicologue :                                    Dr. Kevork Kerkiacharian (Kevsax)

                     • Interpetation d’oeuvres arméniennes millénaires par l’artiste

                   Dr. Edouard Barseghian  archéomusicologue et musicien-soliste :

                   trompette : ascension de Gregoire de Nareg

                   cornet de van (vanapogh), oeuvres de Gomidas

                   flute folklorique arménienne, kotchari, chant de berger

                   • Ensemble de chants et de danses de Sri Lanka interprétés par les                                artistes :

                   Miss. Korala Gamage Sajeewa Uspashantha Perera ;

                   Miss. Kalani poornima Madhumadavi Jayasekara Mudiyanselage ;

                   Mr. Divakumara Abeysing Wijesekara                                        

Miss. MenikeSamarakoon Mudiyanaselage

01. Maha wata bedi siri sara bumiyai

                   description : It depicts natural beauty of Sri Lanka and its a kind of                                patriotic song

02. Sansare karumayado

Description : Its related to Folk Poems.

03. Thana Thana

                   description : It depicts Sri Lankan prosperity

                   • Remise de Distinctions et Prix

Tuesday 6 September 2016 / Mardi 6 septembre 2016        Salle XXI

9h00            Session on Machine Learning

                   (Chairperson :   Prof.Marc Van Hulle)

                   • Machine learning techniques in support for Digital Humanities and    Cultural Heritage Analysis and Understanding.

                   Prof. Stephane Marchand-Maillet, University of Geneva, Switzerland

9h25            • Intelligent Fault Diagnosis in Big Data Environments.

                   Prof. Marios Polycarpou, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

9h50            • Developments in BCI and Recent BCI Roadmaps.

                   Prof. Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands

10h15           • The use of nanotechnology for fuel cells in terms of production of  industrial     filtration

                   Dr. Kazem Hashemiesmalikandi, Iran

10h30           Coffee break / Pause café

11h              Session on Engineering and Medical Applications

                    (Chairperson : Prof. Sun-Yuan Kung)

                   • Machine Learning for Compressive Internet Privac.

                   Prof. Sun-Yuan Kung, Princeton, USA

11h25           • Brain Computer Interfacing: from intra- to extracranial settings and back.

                   Prof. Marc M. Van Hulle, KU .Leuven, Belgium

11h50           • GOP activates the autonomic nervous system in cancer patients.

                   Dr. Tadashi Goino, Environment Energy Nanotechnical Research   Institute, Nagano, Japan.

12h10           • Electromagnetic fields in biology in function of the doses.

                   Pr. Bartolomé Ribas. Royal National Academy of Pharmacy. Spain

12h30           • Microwave based cancer cell screening with no marker.

Prof. Vahé Nerguizian, Anas Alazzam et Ion Stiharu, Ecole de technologie supérieure, Université du Québec, Montréal, Canada

Tuesday 6 September 2016 / Mardi 6 septembre 2016  SalleXXI

14h00           Session on Biology and Medicine (continuation)

                        (Chairperson : Prof. Bartolomé Ribas)  Espagne

                   Secrétaire Général de l’Academie Royale  de Pharmacie

                   • Phytothérapie et Médecine humanitaire

                  Dr. Jean Michel  Morel, France

 14h 15          • Drug Vitamedin M

                            Prof. Yuri Galtsev, Russia

 14h30 • Exploit the system of natural Ayurveda Medicines for Physical,   Intellectual convivial and Insubstantial wellness of the human kind

                   Prof. Manuraja  Hettige ( Sri Lanka)

14h45           • Healing of the human diseases by electricity using one’s own stem cells  without transplantation by the method of Voldemar Ragel

                   Prof. Voldemar Ragel, Russia

14h45           •L’Animal comme tiers thérapeutique

                            Mr. Pedro Marin-Cruz,France

15h00           • Sport & physical training

                   Dr. Siarhei Drebezau (Belorus), Dr. Levan Koshiloti (Russia)

15h15           • Medicine emergency. New trends.

Dr. Stefaniak Dariusz, Germany

15h30           • Information medicine as a method of treatment and Prevention of a wide    range of diseases

Dr. Nina Maikova and Dr. Larisa Potemkina, Russia

15h45           Coffee break / Pause café

16h15           Session on Biology and Medicine (continuation) 
(Chairperson : Prof. Jean-Marie Coudreuse)

                            • Choix thérapeutique en Médecine du sport . Eléments de réflexion

                      Prof. Jean-Marie Coudreuse, France            

16h30           • Perinatal psychology and psychotherapy

                   Prof. Kovalenko Natalia, Dr. Bresso Tatiana , Russia

 16h45           • Golf et Humanitaire

                   Mme  Susan Smith Feaster ,  USA/MONACO

                   Ambassadrice, chargée de mission

17h00           • Anesthesiology. Recent considerations

                   Dr. Cyril King, Germany

17h15           • Physiologie du sport au service des Jeunes

                      Dr. Marc  De Vellis, France

17h30           • Important points to know about glaucoma

                   Dr. Inna May Bolchakova, Ophtalmologist “Iena Vision Center”, France

17h45           • Médecine anti-âge , son avenir

                   Dr. Hugues  Jaquet, Suisse

18h00 • Exercice Thérapeutique et Santé

                   Prof.  MarceValentin , France

                   Vice Recteur de L’Université  Int.des Sciences fondamentales

18h15           • Karate Arts martiaux thérapeutiques

                      Dr. Gérard Garson, France 

18h30 • les avancées en Traumatologie du Sport

                      Dr. Gilles  Testou, France(Corse)

18h45             Voile et handicap

                      Mr. Yves Treboz,France

Tuesday 6 September 2016 / Mardi 6 septembre 2016       Salle XXII

9h00            Session on Linguistics  and Scientific culture  

                   (Chairperson : Dr. Ari Topouzkhanian)

                             • Traditional polyphony vocal of Abkhaz and North Caucasian peoples.  

                   Prof. Nodar Tchanba,  Abkhaziа

9h15            • Liberté et Droit Fondamental de l’Etre humain

                   Prof. Francis Dessart, Belgique

                   Ligue Internationale pour la Défense de la Dignité et la Securité humaines

9h25            • Genocide in Armenian Literature (in Armenian).

                   Prof. Avik Isahakian,

                   National Academy of Sciences, Literary Section, Yerevan, Armenia

9h35            • 350th Anniversary of the printing of the Armenian Bible (in Armenian).

Dr. Ari Topouzkhanian,

Ararat International Academy of Sciences, Paris

10h00           • The musical sacrament of the Armenian pantheon and the ancient world.

                   Dr. Edouard Barseghian, Archéomusicologue, France

10h30           Coffee break / Pause café

11h00              • Gifted children in the field of music, literature and art

                   Prof. Bedros Kirkorov and Prof. Maria Belostotskaya, Russia

11h20           • Substantiality Aesthetics “Isotonic”

                   Mr. Boris Mikhalevich, Estonia

11h35           • Arts et Relations humaines

                   Mr. Juan Carlo Spina, Italie

11h50           • Syria our oldest sister

                   Mlle. Jeanne Ricketts, Artiste peintre, Monaco

12h05           • Creative awakening            

                    Mr. Nishith  Shah, Inde

Tuesday 6 September 2016 / Mardi 6 septembre 2016           Salle XXII

14h00           Session on Psychology – Psychiatrie

                   (Chairperson : Dr. Lisa Kerkiacharian-Parant) Pédopsychiatre, France

                   • “Hypnose, EMDR, nouvelles tendances en Psychiatrie ”

                   Dr. Lisa Kerkiacharian-Parant

 14h10 • Psychology Biosensor

                   Prof. Yuri  Savelyev, Russia

14h25           • La métamorphose intérieure est-elle une utopie ?

                   Dr. Corneille Dagba, France-Bénin

14h40           • Prolegomènes sur l’insuffisance thérapeutique des valeurs des temps présents

                   Dr. Lucien Coffy, Bénin

15h00           • Metahistory as part of scientific paradigm. A new epoch.

                   Dr. Valentina Bondarenko, Perinatal psychology and psychotherapy, 

                      Prof. Natalia Kovalenko ( Director of Institute   of Psychology) and

                      Prof. Gennady Trakhtenberg, Russia

15h15           • Psychologie et Relations humanitaires

                   Prof. Edmond De Salses, France

                      Président de l’Académie nationale de Psychologie

15h25           • Psychothérapie et catastrophes naturelles

                                Mr. Isabelle Di-Terlizzi , Luxembourg

15h40           • Pédagogie nouvelle pour les enfants

                              Mr. Claudio Melotto, Italie

16h00           Coffee break / Pause café

16h30              • Co-intervention of Meditation and Psychology towards  management of                         future Psychiatry

                   Prof. Gamini Priyantha Sayasingha NP (Sri Lanka)

16h45           • Sociologie des minorités, aspects humanitaires

                   Maître Jean Pierre Garcia, France

17h00           • Réflexothérapie, outil thérapeuthique

                   Mr. René Cecillon, France

17h15             • Fibromyalgie .Thérapeutiques alternatives avancées

                      Dr. Philippe Tournesac, France


17h30           • Spécificités Sénégalaises en psychologie

                   Mlle Emilie Thiao, Senegal

17h45           Fin de Session

            Wednesday 7 September 2016 / Mercredi 7 septembre 2016            Salle XXI

9h00             (Chairperson : Prof. Marcel Valentin, France

                             Vice recteur de l’université des sciences fondamenales de Saint-Petersbourg)                                • Economics Administration

                   Prof. Williem Martin, Spain

9h10            • International Relations

                   Dr. Rudolf Sardi, Hungary/Cambodia

9h20            • Reconversion sociale et matérielle des anciens champions sportifs

                   Mr. Julien Cussaguet, France

9h30            • Architecture et Humanitaire

                   Mr. Henri  Van Tuat, France

9h40            • Art will win the war

                   Prof. Anatoly Stefanov, Russia

9h50            • Education and Science in the Context of Globalization

                   Dr. Musa Guliev, Russia

10h00           • Construction and energy consumption in common residential occupancies in                    Iran

                   Prof. Amir Behkish, Iran

10h15           • Fundamental Economics

                   Prof. Vladimir Chabanov, Russia

10h30           • Influence du Design dans la communication industrielle

                   Dr. (jurisD) Jean Claude  Bianchi, France

10h45 • Constructions et catastrophes naturelles

                    Dr.. Patricia  Delabarre PhD, France

                    Recherches en Gérontologie sociale et  environnementale

11h00           Coffee break / Pause café

11h30              • Research paper on Politics, Media and Journalism in Sri Lanka

                   Prof. Jayantha Sisira Kumara Jayasekara Mudiyanselage, Sri Lanka

11h45           • International relations on Economical developments in Asian Countries

                   Dr. Ibra Lebbe Hadji Jameel, Sri Lanka

12h00           • L’approche de la thérapie Zen Shiatsu dans notre éducation

                   Prof. Ignace Nvekounou, Benin

12h15           • L’Environnement et son implication dans la conjoncture actuelle

                   Mme. Nanou Régis, France

12h30           • Dapo xu-shi (Fights of the line) as an innovative synthesis of combative

                   sports and a unique means for harminiou human development and

                   interpersonal communication in the modern society

                   Prof. Sergei Podshibyakin, Russia

 Wednesday 7 September 2016 / Mercredi 7 septembre 2016            Salle XXI

14h00              (Chairperson : Prof. Maqsood Ali Mir, UK)

                   • Economics

                   Prof. Hatef Naseri Sarvar, Iran

14h15           • Tale of two countries: new public management reform in Universities in the                    UK and Russia  

                   Prof. Maqsood Ali Mir, UK

14h30           • Poverty and how to reduce poverty on developing countries

                   Prof. Manjula Ranasinghe Hangidi Gedara, Sri Lanka

14h45           • Risk Management and marketing

                   Prof. Chandana Kalum Marasinghe Pathirannehalage, Sri Lanka

15h00           • English Education under the Influence of Globalization

                   Prof. Shantha Geethadeva Hettiarachchge, Sri Lanka

15h15           • World Health Organization and Traditional Medicines Promotion     

                   Prof. Suresh Kumar AGARWAL Calcutta, Inde

15h30            • Pension and Social Security Programs in Sri Lanka

                   Dr. Wilfred Dayaratne Tissera, Sri Lanka

15h45 Coffee break / Pause café

17h00 • Discussions et Conclusions générales.

                        En salle XXI

 Wednesday 7 September 2016 / Mercredi 7 septembre 2016            Salle XXII

9h30            Session Culture Orientale Iran et Sri Lanka

                        (Chairperson : Hon. Minister Harin Fernando

                   • Sustainable Development and  healthy living through Education

                   Hon. Sarath  Ekanayake  Chief Minister of the Central Province of Sri Lanka

9h50            • Teaching

                    Prof. Ali Mohamad Honarvar, Iran

10h10           • Politics, Government

                              Prof. Tamas Turgyan, Hungary

10h30           Coffee break / Pause café

11h00           Human Rights – Economics (continuation)

                   • Diplomacy, international relations

                   Prof. Gyorgy Suha, Hungary

11h30           • The Role of diodiversity databases in coastal conservation

                   Director Prabath Chandrakeerthi Baduarabe Kankanamge, Sri Lanka

          Wednesday 7 September 2016 / Mercredi 7 septembre 2016            Salle XXII

14h00              (Chairperson : Prof. Hatef Naseri Sardar)

                   • Education and Science in Iran

                   Prof.  Hatef Naseri Sardar

14h15           • Presentation of the St. Petersburg festival “Opera for all”

                   Prof. Vladimir Bykov and Prod. Tatiana Bykova, Russia

14h30           • Rural development in the free agricultural areas and its growth in the                           region’s economy

                   Dr. Ahmad Darbani, Iran

14h45           • Urbanization and citizenship        

                   Dr. Abdolhossein Hassani, Iran

15h00           • Futures contract from the perspective of Islamic law and establishment of                      Muslim countries stock markets

                              Dr. Ghasemali Sabouri, Iran

15h15           • Sustainable development in terms of the principles and concepts of                               international environmental law

                             Dr. Mohammad Jahantigh, Iran

15h30           • Quantum, movement, life

                             Dr. Masoud Jafari Ranjbar, Iran

15h45           • Reduction of energy costs in smart buildings

                              Dr. Majid Beik Mohammad Loui, Iran

16h00           Coffee break / Pause café

16h20           • History of Automobile industry’s growth of Iran in the last 50 years

                   Dr. Mohammad Aghaei, Iran

16h40           • Education, Science and Cinema Art

                   Prof. Santhi Pushpa Kumara Jayasekera Mudiyanselage,   Russia

17h10           • Discussions, Conclusions générales ; Remerciements ; Propositions

                   En salle XXI

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