• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025





Sep 18, 2020


IHAC 42.001General and regional geology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.002Paleontology and stratigraphy PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.003Geotectonics and geodynamics PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.004Petrology; volcanology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.005Mineralogy, crystallography PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.006LithologyPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.007Hydrogeology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.008Engineering geology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.009Geochemistry, geochemistry, geochemical methods of searches of mineralsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.010Geophysics, geophysical methods of searches of minerals PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.011Geology, searches and investigation of firm minerals, minerageniaPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.012Geology, searches and investigation of oil and gas depositsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.013Enrichment of minerals technology and technics of prospecting worksPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.014Technology and technics of geological-prospecting worksPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.015Technology of drilling and development of chinksPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.016Mining and oil flow properties geology, geophysics and geometry of bowelsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.017Mining and oil flow geologyPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.018Development and operation of oil and gas depositsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.019Technology of development of sea deposits of mineralsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.020Construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines, bases and storehousesPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.021Geomechanics, destruction of rocksPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.022Theoretical bases of designing of mine technical systemsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.023Geotechnology physicotechnical, physical and chemical, building PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.024Physical geography and biogeography, soils geography and geochemistry of landscapesPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.025Economic, social and political geography PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.026Geomorphology and evolutionary geography PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.027Land management, cadastre and monitoring of the groundsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.028Hydrology dry, water resources, hydrochemistry PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.029OceanologyPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.030Physics of atmosphere and hydrospherePhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.031Meteorology, climatology, agricultural meteorology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.032Glaciology and cryology of the EarthPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.033GeodesyPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.034CartographyPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.035Space researches of the Earth, photogrammetryPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.036GeoinformaticsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.037GeoecologyPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.038Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.039History of cartography PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.040Ecology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.041Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and Population Biology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.042Environmental and Environmental Health Engineering PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.043Environmental Design and Architecture PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.044Environmental Geochemistry PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.045Environmental Health PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.046Geography and Environmental Studies PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.047Environmental Psychology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.048Geological and Geophysical Engineering PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.049Environmental Studies PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.050Geological and Earth Sciences and Geosciences PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.051Environmental Toxicology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.052Geophysics and Seismology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.053Geotechnical Engineering PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.054Hydrology and Water Resources Science PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.055Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.056Natural Resources and Conservation PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.057Natural Resources Management and Policy PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.058Natural Resources and Conservation PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.059Ocean Engineering PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.060Oceanography, Chemical and Physical PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.061Soil Science and Agronomy PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.062Crop and Soil Sciences PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.063Water Resources Engineering PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.064Environmental Science, History of Environmental Sciences PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.065Geographic Information Systems PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.066Soil Chemistry Sciences PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.067Soil Fertility PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.068Soil Genesis PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.069Soil Microbiology PhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.070Current research on climate change and water situation in the Middle EastPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.071Climate changes and possible water resources related implications in the Middle EastPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.072National water security challenges resulting from climate changePhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.073Water security challenges for international community resulting from climate changePhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.074Possible adaptaion strategies for nations and the international community to jointly adoptPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.075A particular focus on co-operation in the Euphrates and Tigris basinsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.076Water and human settlements in an urbanizing worldPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.077Coastal and freshwater ecosystemsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.078Water for agriculturePhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.079Water and industryPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.080Water and energyPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.081Sharing waterPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.082Valuing and charging for waterPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.083Importance and water’s many benefitsPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.084Impacts of water use on water systems and the environmentPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.085The Earth’s natural water cyclesPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.086Climate change and possible futuresPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.087Managing water systems. Policy, laws and economics. Technoligical innovationPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc
IHAC 42.088Ecological criminologyPhD, D.Sc. GPhD, GDSc

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