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Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Studies 


Sep 30, 2015

Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Studies 

Faculty of Medicine

Postgraduate Studies – Doctor of Medicine (MD)

Doctors training to be Special Doctors or Postgraduate degree qualifications (PhD, D.Sc) join the Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Studies. The faculty offers all the major clinical disciplines at state hospital and clinics through state research institutes.
The IUFS Medical Faculty is joint collaboration research centers with the State Medical Academies, State Research Institutes and North – West Federal center for Health and Hygine.  IUFS is a member of the IAICC and the research Institute of Astrobiological Problems and Cosmic Security of IAICC and Russian Space Federation, European Academy of Informatization, WFUNA, UNA- USA, UNICEF, etc… This center offers state Postgraduate Medical degrees programmes with IUFS. and awards MD, MS, PhD and D.Sc. in medical science under the Ministry of Education and International Higher Examination Council (IHEC).

You can Download  Full information pack. Medical Programme, Assessment plans, Thesis plan , web catalogues and other application forms.

Clinical teaching is centred on the academic divisions in the city’s two main teaching hospitals.

Master of Public Health  

Application and information

For more information/Registration Please Contact our Agents at:

Registrar@iufs.edu or  info@mufo.ru

Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Studies

International and Russian Degree Programmes under Intergovernmental Higher academic  Council (IHAC – www.mvus.ru) and State Post Doctors and MD in Nursing Programmes. E-mail : info@mufo.ru


– anesthesiology and critical care medicine with a course of children’s anesthesiology extrapulmonary tuberculosis
– neurosurgery
– emergency medicine
– emergency surgery nephrology and efferent

– cardiovascular surgery thoracic surgery
– traumatology and orthopedics with a course of vertebrology
– transfusiology and hematology
– urology and andrology surgery named after N.D.Monastyrsky
– endoscopy


– gastroenterology and dietetics geriatrics
– dermatovenerology infectious diseases with a course of laboratory diagnostics of AIDS
– cardiology
– medical sociology

– narcology
– neuropathology named after S.N.Davydenkov
– psychiatry
– psychotherapy with a course of -adolescent psychotherapy
– pulmonology
– reflexotherapy
– sexology
– therapy ¹ 1 named after E.E.Eichwald with a course of rheumatology
– therapy and clinical pharmacology
– physiotherapy and balneology
– phthisiology
– endocrinology named after V.D.Baranov

– clinical laboratory diagnostics
– clinical mycology allergology and immunology
– clinical physiology and functional diagnostics X-ray diagnostics pathological anatomy with a course of cytology
– medical genetics
– naval medicine and medicine of diving
– roentgenology with a course of children’s roentgenology
– forensic medicine with a course of corpus delicti
– economics and organization of pharmacy with a course of pharmaceutical chemistry and technology of medicinal preparations


– military and emergency medicine
– foreign languages
– computer science and management in medical systems
– medical ecology named after G.V.Khlopin
– occupational medicine
– microbiology and mycology
– pedagogics of higher medical school
– philosophy
– postgraduate training of doctors 
– radiation hygiene
– rehabilitation and sports medicine
– social hygiene
– economics and management of public health
– family medicine
– nursing
– general and clinical toxicology
– epidemiology and disinfectology

– high technology and otolaryngology
– children’s stomatology
– medical cosmetology
– orthopedic stomatology
– otolaryngology
– ophthalmology with a course of children’s
– ophthalmology plastic and esthetic surgery
– therapeutic stomatology ¹ 1
– therapeutic stomatology ¹ 2
– maxillofacial surgery with a course of orthodontia and prosthetics
– orthopedic stomatology

– naval medicine and medicine of diving
– roentgenology with a course of children’s roentgenology
– forensic medicine with a course of corpus delicti
– economics and organization of pharmacy with a course of pharmaceutical chemistry and technology of medicinal preparations


– obstetrics and gynecology ¹ 1
– obstetrics and gynecology ¹ 2
– children’s neuropathology and neurosurgery
– children’s traumatology and orthopedics
– children’s surgery
– medical genetics
– pediatrics ¹ 1
– pediatrics ¹ 2 with a course of gastroenterology
– pediatrics ¹ 3 with a course of neonatology
– adolescent medicine and valeology

State Russian State Medical Academy Programs

Now foreign doctors can earn their Doctor Training Diploma and Special Doctor Training Certficate from the State Russian Medical Academies. This is WHO list medical university and will give big chance to get license for their medical activities. For Registratioin please write to  Registrar@iufs.edu with your basic medical degree qualifications.

Other International Medical Programmes

Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians
– Cardiovascular technologists 
– Technicians assist physicians

Invasive cardiology, Noninvasive technology, Vascular technology, Echocardiography

E-mail:  info@mufo.ru

Regulation about IUFS IHEC

Faculty of Medicine — Special MD/USMLE Program.
All students studying medicine at the University have as their primary objective, earning their medical doctor degrees. Students electing to enroll into the MD/USMLE program have as their secondary objective, ultimate licensing as physicians in the United States of America.Students in the ” Special MD ” program are grouped and instructed separately with students whose professional goals include pursuing licensing in the US, and receive instruction in separate classroom and laboratory classes, not combined with students in the General MD program.Like students in the General MD program, their medical education follows the curriculum requirements of the Ministry of Health, but additionally prepares the student for American licensing examination purposes.Medical doctors educated outside the US, even US citizens educated in medical schools outside the US, must meet certain requirements in order to enter post graduate training in the US, which is a requirement for eventual licensing as a physician.Among other requirements, in order for a Foreign Medical Graduate (FMG) to practice medicine in the US, he or she must apply to an American organization known as The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates(ECFMG). ECFMG basically determines if the foreign doctor’s qualifications and education meet American standards. Successfully meeting all ECFMG requirements, will earn the foreign educated doctor a “ECFMG Certificate”, which permits the doctor to enter postgraduate hospital training, required for licensing as a US physician.In order to earn the “ECFMG Certificate” the FMG must take and pass certain exams. The exams are The United States Medical Licensing Examinations(USMLE). There are three (3) parts or “Steps” to the examinations that must be successfully passed. American students take USMLE Step 1 after the first half of their medical studies, as a condition to being advanced into the second half, and complete USMLE Step 2 when they complete medical school. The third step is taken after graduation, and unlike Steps 1 & 2, which are given in many countries around the world, USMLE Step 3 is only given in the US.The common practice for a FMG is to apply to ECFMG after they graduate from their medical schools, and then to take the USMLE exams. However, the ECFMG rules permit students educated in foreign medical schools to start to take their USMLE exams (like American students), after completing the first half of their medial studies, or after 3 years of a 6-year curriculum. Students qualify for Step 2 after they are within 12 months of completing their medical studies and earning their degrees.The USMLE exams are only given in the English language.For a student still in medical school to apply to ECFMG to take Steps 1 & 2, the Dean or other authorized official from their medical school must certify them directly to ECFMG. The rules for students to register with ECFGM are found atwww.ecfmg.orgThe major advantage to taking USMLE Steps 1 & 2 while the student is still in medical school, is that the information to be tested is still fresh in his or her mind. Generally the first half of medical education teaches the basic medical sciences, and the second half teaches clinical studies. These are what Steps 1 and 2 test, respectively.Additionally, if the goal of the medical student is to pursue their post graduate (residency) training in the US, completing these tests while still in medical school, will permit them to reach their goals sooner, by as much as two years and longer.The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine cannot certify the student for ECFMG examination, unless he feels the student is proficient in the English language and properly prepared for the examinations. As a result, unless the student has been enrolled and completed the first three years of their medical education, in the English language MD/USMLE program, the Dean will not certify them to ECFMG for USMLE purposes while they are in medical school.USMLE Prep: What is the USMLE?The United States Medical Licensing Examination, or USMLE for short, is a three-part licensing examination that is required in order to receive a license to practice medicine within the United States. This exam is designed by the Federation of State Medical Boards and the National Board of Medical Examiners to determine whether or not an individual understands and can apply the knowledge necessary to practice medicine safely and intelligently. The USMLE is actually comprised of three different exams that are referred to as steps, which examine the individual’s knowledge of specific topics related to the field of medicine such as basic science, medical knowledge, medical skills, clinical science, and the application of all of these skills and areas of knowledge in the medical field. All three steps of the USMLE include a series of computerized multiple-choice questions, but the format of the exam and the information covered in each multiple-choice section is different for each step of the USMLE. The USMLE Step II also has a clinical skills portion that examines an individual’s ability to work with real patients and the USMLE Step III has a computerized patient simulation portion in addition to the multiple-choice section of the exam. In order for an individual to receive a license to practice medicine, the individual must pass all three steps of the USMLE.  … Read More

International University of Fundamental Studies
IUFS Faculty of Medicine, 
P O Box 59, St.Petersburg-191040, Russia

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